As you may recall from my previous post we were excepting snow up here. Well, we defiantly got snow and it is beautiful. A winter storm came through and dropped about 5-6 inches of snow. It started falling on Friday while I was at work and when I left at 11pm I was so glad I had purchased an ice/snow brush, because my car was covered. About an inch had fallen and I had to drive in it for the 1st time but made it home safely. Overnight the heaviest of the snowfall hit and I had to go to work Saturday. I was sad to leave the beauty of the winter wonderland the snow created, and worried about the drive but I made it safe and sound. I even got to leave work early since it was a slower day in ER. I got home to a warm fire and just in time for some snuggle time and Miss America. Izzy LOVES the snow she runs, jumps, slips and slides. She likes to stick her nose in it and eat it. When she come in she wants to eat it off our shoes. Bob got a snow day yesterday from work and is out of school tomorrow, I was off today which was nice I got to play in the snow a bit. Below are some photos from our snow days:
Friday night when I got home, Izzy's first time in the snow
Our apartment
The road was covered
The Hospital, happy I made it safe!
Some us at work during the snow day
Our backyard today

The only picture of us and the snow(not my favorite but what a fun day)
We may get more snow this week we will see. I am back to work tomorrow and Bob and Izzy get another snow day. Hope everyone had a great weekend!

I wish we had got snow! We didn't get any here :-( It looked beautiful, and It looks like you guys had fun!